Eğitim Fakültesi

Somel, R.N.,”Türkiye’de Müfredatların ve Ders Kitaplarının Farklı Toplumsal ve Eğitimsel Koşullarla İlişkilenme Örüntüleri”, Textbook revisions in the Middle East and North Africa: Lessons to be Learned From the Turkish Case, 2021.


Bulut Şahin, B., Emil, S., Okur, S., Seggie, F.N., “ Strategic Management of Internationalization ın HEIs: The Lens of International Office Professionals”, 5. Uluslararası Yükseköğretim Çalışmaları Konferansı, 2021.


Uslu, B., Çalıkoğlu, A., Seggie, F.N., Gümüş, S., Kondakçı, Y., “Recent Science And Technology Policies in Turkey: The Shifting Role and Profile of the National Higher Education System” (Ed.) Aarrevaara T., Finkelstein M., Jones G.A., Jung J., Universities in the Knowledge Society The Nexus of National Systems of Innovation and Higher Education, 429, Springer, 2021.


Neimeyer Greg, J., Saferstein, J., Toska, G., Phillips, D., “Epistemological Commitments Among Seasoned Psychotherapists: Some Practical Implications of Being a Constructivist”, (Ed.) J. D. Raskin & S. K. Bridges, Studies in meaning 3: Constructivist psychotherapy in the real World, 31 -54, Pace University Press,2021.

