Eğitim Fakültesi

Yılmaz, B., Erkman F., “Understanding Social Anxiety Through Adolescents’ Perceptions on Interparental Conflict and Parental Rejection”, Acceptance: The Essence of Peace, Selected Papers from the First International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection, F. Erkman (Derleyen), 67-96, Turkish Psychology Association, İstanbul, 2008.


Ünlühisarcıklı, Ö., “Adult and Further Education: Systematic and Historical Aspects of Non-Formal Education in Turkey”, Education in Turkey: European Studies in Education, A. M. Nohl, A. Akkoyunlu-Wigley and S. Wigley (Derleyenler), , 26 , 131-150. Münster: Waxmann Publ, 2008.


Öner, D., “A Comparative Analysis of High School Geometry Curricula: What Do Techonology Intensive, Standards Based and Tradition Curricula Have to Offer in Terms of Mathematical Prof and Reasoning?”, Journal of Computer in Mathematical and Science Teaching, 27 (4), 467-497, 2008.


Erkman, F. (Derleyen) Acceptance: The Essence of Peace Selected Papers from the First International Congress on Interpersonal Acceptance and Rejection, Turkish Psychology Association İstanbul Branch Publication, İncekara Press, 2008.


Yıldıran, G., Aydın, E., “The Effects of Mastery Learning and Cooperative , Competitive and Individualistic Learning Environment Organisations on Achievement and Attitudes in Mathematics”, Journal of Research in Mathematical Education, 9, 1, 69-96 Series D, The Korea Society of Mathematical Education, 2005.

