Eğitim Fakültesi

Peker, N., Erktin, E., “The Perceived Effectiveness of a Pre-service Professional Development Course for Math and Science Teachers”, Bridging Individual, Organizational, Cultural Aspects of Professional Learning, H. Gruber, C. Harteis, R. G. Mulder, M. Rehrl (Derleyenler), 59-64, S. Roderer Verlag, Regensburg, 2005.


Okçabol, R., Ünlühisarcıklı, Ö., “Intercultural Adult Education in a United Europe: The Turkish Experience”, Adult Education in a United – Abundance, Diversity, Experience, E.H. Przbylska, M. Staszewicz (Derleyenler), 268-271, Wydawnictwo Uniwersttetu Mikolaja Kopernika, Torun, Poland, 2005.


Okçabol, R., “Çok Partili Dönemlerde Ortaöğretim: Uygulamaları ve Gelecek”, S. Boybeyi (yay.haz.), Cumhuriyetten Günümüze Türk Kültürünün Dünü, Bugünü ve Geleceği (17-21 Aralık 2002): Eğitim, IV, 63-84, Ankara: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Başkanlığı Yayınları, 2005.


İnelmen, E., İnelmen, E.M., Gazerro, M.L., Secco, G., “Mitigating European Senior Population Obesity Through a Healthier Lifestyle and Urban Environment”, Proceedings of 8th International Seminar on Geography of Health, Atti a cura di, C. Palagiano, G. De Santis (Derleyenler), 285-298, Perugia: Rux, 2005.


İnelmen E., “Hardware and Software for A Technology Medıated Education”, 1st International Vocational and Technical Education Technologies Congress, Ministry of National Education General Directorate of Teacher Training and Education and Marmara University Technical Education Faculty, Marmara University, İstanbul, 2005. CD


Gülerce, A., “Anxiety and Phantasy as Psychopolitical Agents of Resistance: Converging Klein and Lacan on Theorizing Individual and Society”, A. Gülerce, A. Hoffmeister, I. Steauble, G. Saunders, J. Kaye, (Derleyenler), Contemporary Theorizing in Psychology: Global Perspectives, Captus, ON: Captus, 2005.

