Kitap Bölümü

Ross, J. et al., “Informal interpreters in medical settings: A comparative sociocultural study of Turkey and the Netherlands”, Non-Professionals Translating and Interpreting: Participatory and Engaged Perspectives, S. Susam-Sarajeva, L. Perez Gonzalez (Derleyenler), St. Jerome, 2011.


Kuyucu-Helvacıoğlu, A.D., Tektaş, A., “Bölgesel kalkınma ajansları: Etkin fon kullanımı ve çok düzeyli yönetişime geçiş”, Türkiye’nin Kalkınmasında Yeni Bir Kurum: Kalkınma Ajansları, Akgül B., Uzay N. (Derleyenler), Ekin Yayınevi, 2010.


Kuyucu-Helvacıoğlu, A.D., “Culture cluster strategies for non-metropolitan areas: The grand narrative of the local”, Culture and Creativity as Location Factors Metropolitan Areas, Pechlaner H., Abfalter D., Lange S., (Derleyenler), Innsbruck University Press, 2009.


Alakavuk, E.D., Kuyucu-Helvacıoğlu, A.D., “The role of UNESCO world heritage list on cultural branding”, Culture and Creativity as Location Factors Metropolitan Areas, Pechlaner H., Abfalter D., Lange S., (Derleyenler), Innsbruck University Press, 2009.


Ertuna, Ö., Ertuna, B., “Dynamics of the interaction between corporate social responsibility and globalization”, Gower Handbook of Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility, G. Aras, D. Crowther, (Derleyenler), Gower Publishing Limited, 2010.


Eder, M., Öz, Ö., “From cross-border exchange networks to transnational trading practices?: The case of shuttle traders in Laleli, İstanbul”, Transnational Communities: Shaping Global Economic Governance, M.L. Djelic, S. Quack (Derleyenler), Cambridge University Press, 2010.

