Kitap Bölümü

Zenginobuz, Ü., Adaman, F., Gökşen, F., “Political Economy of Citizens’ Participation in Environmental Improvement: The Case of Istanbul”, F. Gökşen, O. Seippel, M. O’Brien, F. Adaman,, J. Grolin (Derleyenler), Integrating and Articulating Environments: A Challenge for Northern and Southern Europe, Integrated Assessment Studies, 3, 73-90, Swets & Zeitlinger, Leiden, 2003.


Erdik, M., Durukal, E., Siyahi, B., Fahjan, Y., Şeşetyan, K., Demircioğlu, M., Akman, H., “Earthquake Risk Mitigation in İstanbul”, Earthquake Science and Seismic Risk Reduction, F. Mulargia, R.J. Geller (Derleyenler), Chapter 7, 2003.


Kirişçi, K., Çarkoğlu, A., “Civil Society, Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: Greek-Turkish Relations”, Voices for the Future: Civic Dialogue between Turks and Greeks, T. Belge (Derleyen), Istanbul Bilgi University Press, İstanbul, 2004. Kitap Bölümü


Kirişçi, K., “Asylum, Immigration and National Identity: Challenges to Turkish Harmonization of Policy and Practice with That of the EU”, Towards Accession Negotiations: Turkey’s Domestic and Foreign Policy Challenges Ahead, N. Tocci, A. Evin (Derleyenler), European University Institute, Florence, 2004. Kitap Bölümü


Terzibaşoğlu, Y., “Land Disputes and Ethno-Politics: North-western Anatolia, 1877-1912’ in Ethno-Nationality”, Property Rights in Land and Territorial Sovereignty in Historical Perspective, S. Engerman, J. Metzer (Derleyenler), London, 2004.


Kafesçioğlu, Ç., “La Capitale Impériale Ottomane: İstanbul Entre XVe et XVIIIe Siècle”, Byzance, Constantinople, Istanbul, T. Velmans (Derleyen), Translated from English by Charles Moysan, 251-319, Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 2008.

