Yabancı Diller Eğitimi

Illes, E., Akcan, S., “ELF Awareness of Prospective Teachers in Hungary and Turkey”, Bayyurt Y., SifakisN., (Eds) English Language Education Policies and Practices in the Mediterranean Countries and Beyond, 1, Peter Lang, 2017.


Haznedar-Keskin, B., “Aspects of Bilingualism in Early Childhood”, Jakob, M. A., Marti, L,. (Eds), Education, Dialog and Culture: Migration and Interculturalism as Educational Responsibilities, 2, 153 - 168, Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2017.


Bayyurt-Kerestecioğlu, Y.,” Non-Native English Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Culture in English Language Classrooms in a Post-EFL Era” Agudo, J., De, D. M,. (Eds), Native and Non-NativeTeachers in English Language Classrooms: Professional Challenges and Teacher Education, 1, 349, De Gruyter, 2017.


Bayyurt-Kerestecioğlu, Y., Akcan, S., “Nitel Araştırma Çalışmalarında Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Yöntemsel Konular”, Nitel Araştırma Yöntem Teknik Analiz ve Yaklaşımları Seggie, F.N., Bayyurt, Y. (Eds), 2, Anı Yayıncılık, 2017.

