Yabancı Diller Eğitimi

Young-Scholten, M., Naeb, R., Haznedar-Keskin, B., et al. “International Online Teacher Training and Professional Development”, Presented at the Literacy Education And Second Language Learning For Adults (LESSLA) 13th Symposium, Portlan, Oregon, 2017.


Yiğitoğlu, N., “An Exploration of How Pre-Service English Language Teachers Make Sense of School Dynamics during Their Practicum at Basic Education Schools”, Uluslararası Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Kongresi (EPOK-2017), Muğla, 2017.


Varol, B., Erçetin-Koca, N.G., “Exploring the Role of Electronic Glosses Prior Knowledge and Topic Interest in L2 Reading and Vocabulary Acquisition”, Islet 2017. 3rd International Symposium on Language Education and Teaching, Roma, 2017


Uygun, S., Gürel, A., “Factors Affecting the Processing of Compounds in the Second Language”, Workshop on the Role of Constituents in Multi-Word Expressions: An Interdisciplinary and Cross Linguistic Perspective, Saarbrücken, 2017.

