Biyomedikal Mühendisliği Enstitüsü

Ay, U., Yıldırım, Z., Erdoğdu, E., Kıçık, A., Öztürk-Işık, E., Demiralp, T., Gürvit, H., "Shrinkage of Olfactory Amygdala Connotes Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Parkinson's Disease", Cognitive Neurodynamics, 2022.


Tüz , H., Karaca, Ç., Özcan , C., "Effect of Suprahyoid Muscles on Mouth Opening With and Without Lateral Pterygoid Muscle: 3D Inverse Dynamic Model Analysis", Cranio-The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice, 239-248, 2022.


Dalbayrak, B. , Sönmez, E. , Kurt, H. , İşleten Hoşoğlu, M. , Küçük, İ. , Saybaşılı, H., Kurnaz, I., (2021). Characterization of a 3D Neuronal-Culture Using Alginate Hydrogels and Optimize For Neuronal Survival and Axon Growth . Natural and Applied Sciences Journal , Full Papers of 2nd International Congress of Updates in Biomedical Engineering , 71-80 (oral presentation)


Saçlı-Bilmez, B., Akın-Levi, C., Ersen Danyeli, A., Yakıcıer, C., Pamir, M.N., Özduman, K., Dinçer, A., Can, Ö., Öztürk-Işık, E., (2021). Identification of IDH mutation status using proton MR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry: a study of 178 gliomas. SNO-NCI Joint Symposium: Targeting CNS Tumor Metabolism, Virtual Meetin, p.BIMG-14. (pre-recorded presentation)


Saçlı-Bilmez, B., Ersen Danyeli, A., Yakıcıer, C., Pamir, M.N., Özduman, K., Dinçer, A., Öztürk-Işık, E., (2021). Lactate and glutathione levels detected with proton MR spectroscopy are associated with poor survival in IDH wild type TERTp mutant diffuse gliomas. SNO-NCI Joint Symposium: Targeting CNS Tumor Metabolism, Virtual Meeting, p.BIMG-15. (oral presentation)


Václavů, L., Arslan, D.B., Hirschler, L., Öztürk-Işık, E., Falcon, C., Gispert, J.D., Montesinos, P., Ven, K., Osch, M.J.P., (2021). Investigation of Angiographic Shine-through in Time-encoded pCASL. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Virtual Meeting, 2716. (digital poster)


Saçlı-Bilmez, B., Ersen Danyeli, A., Ekşi, M.Ş., Tan, K., Can, Ö., Yakıcıer, C., Pamir, M.N., Dinçer, A., Özduman, K., Öztürk-Işık, E., (2021). Correlations of Single Voxel 1H-MRS Findings with Tumor Biology in Meningiomas. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Virtual Meeting, 954. (digital poster)

