Eğitim Fakültesi

Yalçın, Ş., Erçetin Koca, N.G., “Relationships Among Working Memory Language Aptitude And Listening Comprehension in an Instructed Foreign Language Setting”, International Roundtable Forum on Language Aptitude: Pushing the Boundaries, 2019.


Topal, P., Yiğitoğlu, N., “Post Observation Feedback Conferences in an in Service Higher Education Setting A Conversation Analytic Study”, The Second International Conference on Interactional Competences and Practices in a Second Language (ICOP-L2), Vasteras, 2019.


Candan, E., Öztekin, E., Kurt, Y., Bayyurt Kerestecioğlu, Y., Guerra, L., Cavalheiro L., Pereira, R., “Representations of ELF in Language Teachers Beliefs and ELT Coursebooks:  Findings From Turkey and Portugal”, ILTERG Conference, Antalya, 2019.

