Konferans Bildirisi

Yamanaka, H., Chimoto, K., Ozel, O., Ozmen, O., Arslan, S., Yalçınkaya, E., Tun, M., Pekkan, E., Tsuno, S., Kaplan, O., Miyake, H., Tanırcan, G., Takai, N., Ateş, E., Tekin, K., Sezen, A., Ozturk, T., Alkan, M., Nurlu, M., Citak, S., Karagoz, O., Hatayama, K., Ohori, M., Mirzaoglu, M., Sipahi, O., Morita, M., Sasano, S., and Fujita, Y., “Microtremor Explorarions for Shallow S-Wave Velocity Profiles at Strong Motion Stations in Turkey” The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2021.


Tanırcan G., Miyake H., Özel O., Yamanaka H., Chimoto K., Tsuno S., Takai N., Kaplan, O., “Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the 1956 (Mw6.5) Eskişehir, Turkey Earthquake”, The 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2021.


Necmioglu, O., Turhan, F., Cambaz, D.S., “A Comparison of Tsunami Warning Through Decision Matrix, Pre-Calculated Tsunami Scenario Database and Near-Real Time Tsunami Modeling: The Case Of 30 October 2020 Mw 6.9 Earthquake”; 6th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (ICEES), Gebze Technical University, Gebze-Kocaeli, 2021.


Hancılar, U., Şeşetyan, K., Çakti, E., Dede, S.O., Dar, E., Korkmaz, A., Malcioglu, F.S., Suleyman, H., Tetik, T., Uncu, G., Yenihayat, N., Yolcu, A., Kafadar, N., Erturk, S.O., Koca, C., “Rapid Estimations of Spatial Distributions of Strong Ground Motion Parameters And Building Damages: 24 January 2020 Elazıg-Sivrice And 30 October 2020 Izmir-Aegean Sea Earthquakes”, 6th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology. Gebze, Kocaeli, Turkey, 2021.


Bekler, F., Altuncu Poyraz, S., Tunç, S., Bekler, T., “Ayvacık, Biga, Edremit Körfezindeki Yerel İstasyonların Gürültü Analizi”, 6. Uluslararası Deprem Mühendisliği ve Sismoloji Konferansı (6ICEES), 6. ICEES Bildiri Kitabı, 2021, 196, Gebze.

