Uluslararası Ticaret

Selekler-Gökşen, N., Yıldırım-Öktem, Ö., İnelmen, K., 'The Impact of Organizational Justice on the Quality of the Leader-member Relationship in Public versus Foundation Universities', Education and Science, 41, 184, 383-398, 2016.


​Ösken, L.C., Onay, C., Ünal, G., 'Estimating Defaults in Organized Security Lending Markets: An Empirical Study on a Default Indicator', Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance​, 24​, 3​, 343-362​, 2016. ​​ ​ ​ ​​​


​Osken, L.C., Onay, C., Ünal, G., 'Estimating Defaults in Organized Security Lending Markets: An Empirical Study on a Default Indicator', Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance​, 24​, 3​, 343-362​, 2016. ​​ ​ ​ ​​​


Memili, E., Sönmez, S., Yildirim-Öktem, Ö., Koç, B, “The Determinants of Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Practices in Family Firms”, 3rd Interdisciplinary Tourism Research Conference, 2014, Istanbul, 3rd Interdisciplinary Tourism Research Conference Proceeding, 1, XX, 2014.

