​ ​​​​Uluslararası Ticaret

Pamucar, D., Deveci, M., Stevic, Z., Gokasa, I., Işık, M., Coffman, D.M., “Green Strategies in Mobility Planning Towards Climate Change Adaption of Urban Areas Using Fuzzy 2D Algorithm”, Sustainable Cities and Society, 87​​​, 2022. ​


Ertan, A.S., Akkemik, K.A., “Intertemporal and Cross-sectional Contrasts in Effects of Trade: Significance of the Technology Content of Exports”, The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development​, 31​, 5​​, 2022.


Yıldırım-Öktem, Ö., Erdogan, I.​​​​​, “Silence Before the Storm: Intragenerational Conflict for Succession.​​​​​”, Bang, N.P., Basco,R., Calabro,A., Cheng,J., James, A., Diaz-Matajira,L. and Samara,G. , Family Business Case Studies across the World: Succession and Governance in a Disruptive Era ​​​​​, Edward Edgar Publishing Limited​​​​​, 2022​​.​


​​​​​​Işık, M., Tokgöz, A.C.​​​​​, “Savunma Harcamaları ve Ekonomik Büyüme: Türkiye IHA piyasası üzerine bir vaka analizi”​​​​​, Koksal, C.​​​​​, Uluslararası Ticarette Güncel Gelişmeler​​​​​, Hiperyayın​​​​​, 2022​​.​


Işık, M., Aktürk, A​​​​​., “Economic and Societal Inequalities in the Time of COVID-19​​​​​”, Shilpa, D., Kumar, S.A.V.​​​​​, “Emerging Trends and Insights on Economic Inequality in the Wake of Global Crises”, IGI Publishing​​​​​, 2022​​.​


​​​Ertan, A.S., Ünver, H.A.​​​​​, “Politics of Artificial Intelligence Adoption: Unpacking the Regime Type Debate”​​​​​, Filimowicz, M.​​​​​, Democratic Frontiers: Algorithms and Society​​​​​, Routledge​​​​​, 2022​​.​


Benderlioğlu, B.M., Ata, U.Z.​​​​​, “Adoption of Wearable Technology Devices: A Cross-Cultural Study”​​​​​, Akküçük​​​​​, U., Disruptive Technologies and Eco-innovation for Sustainable Development​​​​​, IGI Global​​​​​, 2022​​.​
