Atatürk İlkeleri ve İnkılap Tarihi Enstitüsü

Ertör, I., “Blue Degrowth at the Expanding Commodity Frontiers: Dispossession and Political Struggles of Fisher Communities”, POLLEN 2020 Conference: Contested Natures: Power, Politics, and Prefiguration, 22-25 September 2020, Sussex University, Brighton, 2020.


Ertör, I., “Blue Degrowth: An Alternative to the Energy Quest of Blue Growth Imperative”, 1st Biannual Conference on Mediterranean Studies: Renewable Energy and the Environment: Social, Political, and Economic Dimensions, Yaşar University, 9-10 Ekim 2020, İzmir, 2020.


Banoub, D., Bridge, G., Bustos, B., Ertör, I., Gonzalez-Hidalgo, M., de los Reyes, J.A. “Industrial Dynamics on the Commodity Frontier: Managing Time, Space and Form in Mining, Tree Plantations and Intensive Aquaculture”, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 1-27, 2020.


Scheidel, A., Del Bene, D., Jiu, J,, Navas, G., Mingorria, S., Demaria, F., Avila, S., Roy, B,, Ertör, I., Temper, L, Martinez-Alier, J,, "Environmental Conflicts and Defenders: A Global Overview, Global Environmental Change, 63, 2020 .

