Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi, Mühendislik Fakültesi

Yılmaz, Ö., Kıyak, F., Üngör, M., Say, A.C.C., "Energy Complexity of Regular Language Recognition", International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata CIAA 2022: Implementation and Application of Automata, 200–211, 2022.


Özateş, S.B., Güngör, T., Atmaca, F., Köksal, A., Özgür, A., Başaran, B.O., Berk, G., Türk, U., Bedir, S.T., "Resources for Turkish Dependency Parsing: Introducing the BOUN Treebank and the BoAT Annotation Tool", Language Resources and Evaluatıon, 2021.


Mutlu, Ş., Sanyal, A., Ünlü, K., Gevrek, T.N., "Expanding the Versatility of Poly (dimethylsiloxane) Through Polymeric Modification: An Effective Approach for Improving Triboelectric Energy Harvesting Performance", Smart Materials and Structures, 29, 3, 2020.


Türk, U., Atmaca, F., Özateş, Ş.B., Köksal, A., Öztürk Başaran, B., Güngör, T., Özgür, A., “Improving the Annotations in the Turkish Universal Dependency Treebank”,  Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW, SyntaxFest 2019), 108-115,  Paris, France, 2019.


Türk, U., Atmaca, F., Özateş, Ş.B., Köksal, A., Öztürk Başaran, B., Güngör, T., Özgür, A., “Turkish Treebanking: Unifying and Constructing Efforts”, Proceedings of the 13th Linguistic Annotation Workshop, Florance, Italy, 2019.

