Türkiye'deki Topluluk Destekli Balıkçılık Modellerinin Haritalanması: Küçük Ölçekli Balıkçılık Kooperatiflerinin ve Doğrudan Satış Girişimlerinin Politik Ekolojisi ve Politik Ekonomisi

Proje Özeti: 

In the current global context, marine ecosystems are threatened by significant environmental challenges such as overfishing, climate change, ocean acidification, and habitat degradation. Since the 1950s, industrial fishing has been increasing fishing efforts and yields, which resulted in the extinction of a range of species and declining fish stocks in many regions around the world (Pauly et al., 2003; Pauly, 2006). Small-scale fishers’ (SSF) activity though has been considered as ‘backward’ in this period of industrialization (Knudsen, 2009), even though they are still producing two thirds of fish captures destined for direct human consumption (FAO, 2015). SSF therefore still have a significant importance for the sustainability of the seas and for food security and sovereignty of communities; however, their socioeconomic activity is widely unknown by the public

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